Our Partners

Our partners are a reflection of ourselves. Maximize the investment into your health by connecting with our partners today! Interested in partnering with us? Let’s connect.


  • Relentless Personal Training

    Through our doors, you’ll find an atmosphere of like-minded individuals from our staff to our members. At Relentless Personal Training, our focus is on our consistency in educating and supporting each of our member's goals which enables every individual to progressively get better.

  • SonMade Fitness

    The SonMade Fitness programs are for people looking for a trustworthy, fulfilling and engaging style of training, that is more than just looking good. No matter your age, career, or goals, you will have access to a training program that SUPPORTS your inner athlete.

Health and Wellness

  • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

    Molly makes lab testing and nutrition education accessible for people dealing with all levels of illness or for people just looking to optimize their health and eliminate a few lingering symptoms. She strives to empower people to lead healthier lifestyles so they can regain their energy and vitality. Molly’s goal is to simplify what it means to live healthy so people have more time to take care of themselves and their families. Molly works with all ages including children. Molly Segal, FDN-Practitioner & Labwork

  • McKenzie Flinchum - Dietitian, Trainer

    This is our flagship program for those looking to lose fat, build muscle and boost performance. If you want serious body composition changes, that starts with your diet. Do you attend CrossFit classes? Hit the Peloton a few days per week? Already have a solid lifting routine? Our nutrition coaching plan pairs perfectly for those who already have a solid exercise plan in place.

  • Dr. Brittney Hughes, D.C.

    Dr. Hughes is a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and is licensed in the state of Florida. She practices at Riverside Chiropractic in Vero Beach, FL. Dr. Hughes has worked in pediatrics as well as family based care and has had extensive training in sports medicine and rehabilitation. Check out her website and our podcast with Dr Hughes.

Athlete Resources

  • Atlas Sports

    The doorway has been opened and as this new environment for collegiate athletics unfolds, student-athletes need to be prepared. Atlas Sports serves as an educational resource for athletes and families. We are at the forefront of amateur & professional athletic empowerment. Atlas will assist in ensuring that each athlete is given the proper opportunity to build their brand the right way to set them up for future opportunities.